Annals of the King's Royal Rifle Corps

Bok av Major-Gen. Sir Steuart Hare
The fourth volume in the unit history of the 'K.R.R.C.' details its activities in the last years of the 19th century and the opening decade of the 20th, principally the 1899-1902 Boer War.The history describes the reforms which slowly replaced the amateurish army of the 19th century with the trained professional force which went to war in 1914, reforms which were hastened by the shock of the Boer War. Earlier in Africa, the Corps' Third Battalion took part in the 1879 Zulu War and the first Boer War of 1881, including the Battle of Majuba Hill under Sir George Colley. The 2nd Battalion fought in the Second Afghan War of 1878-1880 under General Roberts; and the Third Battalion fought in the Egyptian campaign of 1882 and in the Sudan in 1884. The Fourth battalion took part in colonial campaigns in India and Burma in the 1890s. The Corps took part in the major campaigns of the Boer War under Sir Redvers Buller, including the Siege of Ladysmith, and under Roberts and Kithcener in the later 'mopping up' period of guerrilla warfare against the Boer commandos.With two appendices on Corps commanders and the unit's sporting achievements, four portraits and twenty maps.