Molybdenum and Tungsten Enzymes : Spectroscopic and Theoretical Investigations

Bok av Russ Hille
The book will cover the bio-, inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry of molybdenum containing enzymes, including mononuclear molybdenum-containing enzymes, the complex Fe/Mo enzyme nitrogenase, and also tungsten enzymes. The full range of physicochemical methods that are used to investigate their and function will be covered. There has been no comprehensive book in this area for the past 30 years, despite great progress in our understanding of molybdenum enzymes and relevant inorganic complexes of molybdenum, and as a result the proposed book will both fill an enormous gap in coverage of the field and at the same time document the latest research. The book will be useful for workers in the field of metal-containing enzymes, graduate students and young investigators interested in developing new research programs in the area. It will also serve as a useful reference for researchers outside the field. Cross promotion: Journals: Dalton Transactions and Metallomics. Books: "Iron-Containing Enzymes", Visser and Kumar, 2011; "Binding, Transport and Storage of Metal Ions in Biological Cells", Maret and Wedd, 2014.