
Bok av Silvia Hartmann
All Emotions Are Movements In The Energy Body. This simple sentence is a revolution in the approach to all human emotions - and not just in the "control of negative emotions". Human emotions are at the root of everything that human beings do, and it is in emotional currency we evaluate whether we are living good lives, or not. Life isn't about money, it's all about feelings. Feeling happy, feeling loved, feeling connected, feeling safe, feeling joyous - that's what we're working for, that's what we strive towards, and that's what we want out of life. EmoTrance is the direct path to feeling those good emotions. EmoTrance works directly with the interface where we feel our emotions as REAL FEELINGS in the body. If your heart is breaking - where do you feel that in your body? Show me with your hands. Now we know where the pain is, now we can heal it. In this brand new book you will find the latest and best techniques, methods, cases and breakthrough insights on EmoTrance, the healing modality for the 21st Century.