The Match

Bok av Alfred a Borrelli
"I wrote this book primarily for psychologists and psychiatrists,? says Alfred A. Borrelli, ?since they are the major influencers in the chemical dependence field; my purpose was to change some of the thinking about assessment and treatment based on my very extensive experience of now over fifty years. There is a commitment to ideas, in all fields, that have outlived their usefulness. I don?t mean that practitioners and academics have no right to keep those ideas that continue to work well; rather, I am offering a criticism of a conservative movement that has become comfortable with older ideas merely because they have a history.? In this regard, he has presented the long history of the psychological field from Plato?s time to now and, in the process, suggested why some fields need to change and why some are not aware of their own history.  He believes that the ideas here are new and effective, and he has presented evidence for them, because science and scientists move from established facts to established facts, not from stubbornness or loyalty to a tradition. ?A final thought.? he adds, ?about critical acceptance of these ideas. Any production of ideas can be criticized?it is easier to be a critic than a creator. As with all pursuits, whether academic or applied, an open mind is a prerogative for success. ?with regard to what i have produced, it was not my intent to cover everything thoroughly, but to provide a thorough overview, for the professional especially.  ?Consider this work a beginning place for the average reader to understand many issues, as well as a continuing place for those who are highly informed and skilled.?