Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2010 : 4th International Conference, Yamanaka Hot Spring, Japan, December 2010. Proceedings

Bok av Marc. Joye
The4thInternationalConferenceonPairing-BasedCryptography(Pairing2010) was held in Yamanaka Hot Spring, Japan, during December 13-15, 2010. It was jointly co-organized by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, and the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). The goal of Pairing 2010 was to bring together leading researchersand pr- titioners from academia and industry, all concerned with problems related to pairing-based cryptography. We hope that this conference enhanced com- nication among specialists from various research areas and promoted creative interdisciplinary collaboration. Theconferencereceived64submissionsfrom17countries,outofwhich25- pers from 13 countries were accepted for publication in these proceedings. At least three Program Committee (PC) members reviewed each submitted paper, while submissions co-authored by a PC member were submitted to the more stringent evaluation of ?ve PC members. In addition to the PC members, many externalreviewersjoinedthereviewprocessintheirparticularareasofexpertise. We were fortunate to have this energetic team of experts, and are deeply gra- ful to all of them for their hard work, which included a very active discussion phase. The paper submission, review and discussion processes were e?ectively and e?ciently made possible by the Web-based system iChair. Furthermore,theconferencefeaturedthreeinvitedspeakers:JensGrothfrom University College London, Joseph H. Silverman from Brown University, and Gene Tsudik from University of California at Irvine, whose lectures on cutti- edge research areas- "Pairing-Based Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs," "A Survey of Local and Global Pairings on Elliptic Curves and Abelian Va- eties," and "Some Security Topics with Possible Applications for Pairing-Based Cryptography," respectively- contributed in a signi?cant part to the richness of the program.