Jeff Wall : With the Eye of the Mind

Bok av Stefan Banz
In his impressive analysis Stefan Banz examineshow Jeff Wall uses camera, computer, actorsand specialists to generate a visual performancethat provokes epistemological questions inthe viewer; illustrates how the artist - beyondavant-garde criteria - develops a sophisticatedand engaging visual feel, which deals both withthe everyday but also with the history of art; andexplores meticulously how he reflects the role ofthe recipient in his compositions. In this sense,Banz shows with the eyes of an active observerhow art has an inexhaustible metaphoricalpower for Wall, which enriches and upsetsour visual concepts. And he also creates new,startling references between his photographicworks and paintings by such different artists likeDiego Velázquez, Jan Vermeer, Claude Monet,Frederic Remington, Hans Emmenegger, MarcelDuchamp and Salvador Dalí.