Seabed Mechanics [electronic resource] : Edited Proceedings of a Symposium, sponsored jointly by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and the International Union of Geo

Bok av International Union Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics
Symposia do not just happen, and those which venture on the Bureau of IUT AM. I was on the train like a into new territory happen even less frequently. Never shot armed to the teeth with excuses. theless, faced by the challenge of organising such an I rehearsed my speech all the way down. I had event, many of us volunteer eagerly for the task. I am studiously opted for the environmental side of seabed not one of this select band. studies. I could prove it and produced papers on the Confronted by what at fIrst sight was but a casual correlation of geotechnical properties of the seabed invitation to consider whether I might be interested in with the populations of bugs that live there. Elsewhere commenting on the possibility I attended an informal (as in my defence package were items on landslips, clima I then thought) meeting at Newcastle University in 1980 tology, cluster analysis applied to business development to discuss the subject of Seabed Mechanics. Professor - anything I could find to illustrate my dissociation Len Maunder, Head of Mechanical Engineering here at from Seabed Mechanics proper.