Finding Mr. Write: A New Slant on Selecting the Perfect Mate

Bok av Beverley East
Would you buy a house without seeing the inside? Would you buy a car without checking under the hood and taking it for a spin? Probably not. Then why is it that you will choose a mate without knowing what's going on inside him? Most of you would agree that love letters are a great way into your heart. But though your man fills them with sweet words and promises, do you know what he's really saying between the lines? Stop looking at the words and check out how he writes. Hand-writing doesn't lie. Handwriting is brain writing; it is frozen body language. Finding Mr. Write gives you all the tools you need to uncover everything you should know about your man, no matter how well he thinks he's hidden it. Does he print more often than not? If so, he is very direct and to the point. How he loops his letters, how much pressure he puts on the page, his strokes and his slants, how he dots his i's and crosses his t's, where he writes on the page--all of these will tell you more about what's going on inside him than his financial statement can. Finding Mr. Write is the compass that will aid you in your search for Mr. Right.