Casting Lacey

Bok av Elle Spencer
Coming out is easier when you?ve got someone by your side. At least that?s how the hyper-private Quinn Kincaid sees it. When her publicist suggests a good old-fashioned sham of a Hollywood relationship, Quinn reluctantly agrees. And that?s how the star of Jordan?s Appeal, TV?s highest rated legal drama, ends up with a fake girlfriend?the very real, very sexy, and very gay soap star, Lacey Matthews. The two clash immediately, and often hilariously, as they figure out how to fake a budding romance. And of course, things are never as simple as they seem. A freak accident, some reluctant caregiving, and a chance to work together on Jordan?s Appeal force Quinn and Lacey closer together?for better or worse.  In Casting Lacey, Elle Spencer gives us a funny new take on a classic storyline, complete with nosy mothers, fawning assistants, and two beautiful actresses who might learn about true love. If they don?t kill each other first.