Only One You/Nadie Como Tú

Bok av Linda Kranz
There's only one you in this great big world. Make it a better place! Adri's mama and papa share with their eager son some of the wisdom they have gained through the years. Their words, simple and powerful, are meant to comfort and guide him as he goes about exploring the world. This exquisitely illustrated book explodes with color and honest insights. Kranz's uniquely painted rockfish, set against vibrant blue seas, make an unforgettable and truly special impression. Only One You will inspire parents and children of all ages as they swim through life. No hay nadie como tu en este inmenso mundo. !Haz de el un lugar mejor! Los padres de Adri quieren compartir con su joven hijo la experiencia que han adquirido a traves de los anos. Sus palabras, sencillas pero impactantes, pretenden orientarlo y proporcionarle la seguridad que necesita para descubrir el mundo. Los originales pececitos de roca pintados por Kranz, y su clara percepcion, serviran de guia a padres e hijos de todas las edades para navegar por la vida.