Predators in Pews and Pulpits : Sexual child

Bok av Diane E. Roblin-Lee
"Predators in Pews and Pulpits" addresses the issues surrounding sexual abuse and the church. It answers questions like, "Why do some child-molesters go to church and call themselves Christians?" - Introduces the "iHeart" - proposed technology that would identify the condition of people's hearts as they enter churches!(tongue-in-cheek) - Gives insight into the internal struggle of the child molester in church and how it can be resolved - Reveals how the spirituality of a child is affected by sexual child abuse and what the church needs to do about it Predators in Pews and Pulpits contains "The Healing Circle," a model through which the church can nurture spiritual healing and wholeness as an integral part of an abused child's community.