Tre damer i Kairo : en personlig skildring av Egypten

Three ladies in Cairo
Bok av Anne Edelstam
"Three Ladies in Cairo" is the fictionalised true story of how three Swedish women - grandmother Hilda, mother Ingrid, and the author Anne Edelstam, herself, residing in Egypt for three generations ... discover the land of the Nile throughout the twentieth century"s social changes, up to the Egypt"s first free elections in June 2012. Born and bred in Sweden, all three women share their first-hand experiences in coping with the colossal social and cultural differences during their timely stages of residence in this Middle Eastern country. The author reveals firsthand the ancient traditional lifestyles, covering more than a century. This book offers deep insights and extended perceptions on Egypt"s politics, economics, social and religious traditions, from the vantage points of the outsiders - strangers living within as insiders, among friends and fellow Egyptians. As a thoroughly researched social anthropologist, Islamic historian, and international journalist working in three languages - Swedish, French and English, author Anne weaves Egyptian history from the beginning of the century through the eyes of her grandmother to her own personal thought on modern day politics ... Worldwide readers will identify, understand and enjoy following and learning about those living historical realities, as she captures, not just the broader verbal accounts behind Egypt"s social and cultural history with its political upheavals, but identifies the realities seen and eye-witnessed by three Swedish women during the most dramatic political and historical changes ..." This is a MUST-read book, especially for the younger generation of readers who want to understand what was and is happening in Egypt today ! Vinanti Sarkar, Founder of VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE & VOWW-TV spreading across 85 countries