The common European law of torts

Kernbereiche des Deliktsrechts, seine Angleichung in Europa und seine Einbettung in die Gesamtrechtsordnungen
Bok av Christian von Bar
This awe-inspiring book is the first of a two volume treatise on the law of non-contractual obligations. The result of a unique attempt to discover the common elements of the law of torts of all the member states of the European Union, it is founded on the belief that the approximation of European laws should not be left to the directives and regulations of Brussels alone. To this end, von Bar has undertaken a thorough, detailed and extensive analysis of the relevant court rulings and academic writings of all the jurisdictions of the European Union to distill a common European law of torts. The insights gained from the comparative analysis also offer a guidance to greater harmonisation in the future. It is destined to become a landmark in the area of comparative law in general, and comparative torts in particular.