Hegel's Philosophy of Mind

Philosophie des Geistes
Bok av Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
This exceptional manual of philosophy, presented here complete, details the method and theory of Hegel's examination of mind. In Hegelianist philosophy, the notion of the mind commences with a consideration of the subjective (i.e. individual) mind. After some contemplation however, it is realised that this 'individual' sort of mind is but the initial stage of the process - the so-called 'in-itself stage'. The stage which follows this is that of the objective mind - it is this type of mind that finds itself object of law, morals and government. The final stage of the Hegelianist posit upon the mind is that of the 'absolute mind'. At this point, the mind ascends above the constraints of the natural world and of mankind's institutions and laws. It is at this high stage that concepts of art, faith and philosophy have been birthed. The concept of free thinking is here encountered: that the mind may only be truly free and capable of itself when having separated from the worldly restrictions of everyday life.