Origins of the Kabbalah

Ursprung und Anfänge der Kabbala
1 röst
One of the most important scholars of our century, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) opened up a once esoteric world of Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, to concerned students of religion. The Kabbalah is a rich tradition of repeated attempts to achieve and portray direct experiences of God: its twelfth-and thirteenth-century beginnings in southern France and Spain are probed in Origins of the Kabbalah, a work crucial in Scholem's oeuvre. The book is a contribution not only to the history of Jewish medieval mysticism but also to the study of medieval mysticism in general and will be of interest to historians and psychologists, as well as to students of the history of religion.
6 utgåvor
Välj utgåva
Origins of the KabbalahEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780691020471
Ursprung Und Anf nge Der KabbalaTyska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9783110172539
Ursprung und Anfange der KabbalaTyska - Okänt
ISBN: 9783110887273
Origins of the KabbalahEngelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9780691184302
Origins of the KabbalahEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780691182988
Los Origenes de La Cabala
ISBN: 9788449310799
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Origins of the Kabbalah
329 kr
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Origins of the Kabbalah
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Origins of the Kabbalah
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Origins of the Kabbalah
473 kr
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Origins of the Kabbalah
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Origins of the Kabbalah
429 kr
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