Good-bye to Guilt

Bok av MD Gerald G. Jampolsky
I know that the thousands all over theworld who love Jerry and whose lives have beenenhanced by his message are eagerly looking forward tothis new book. They have a treat in store. Inclear and beautiful prose Jerry tells us that peaceis a conscious choice. Saying good-bye to guilt isa vital step in making that choice.--fromthe Foreword by John Denver. Love iswhere there is no fear. Fear is where there is no love.In our age of anxieties, most of us live bycomplex expectations about what we should achieve, howwe should act, and how others should treat us. Asa result, we are victimized by guilt andfear--guilt because our standards haven't been met in thepast, fear that they won't be met in the future.Inevitable, these negative emotions wreak havocon our personal relationships, self -esteem, andpeace of mind. But what if we let go of our fearand guilt? The transformation can be miraculous,says world famous psychiatrist and author GeraldG. Jampolsky. The secret lies in healthyperception of yourself. Dr. Jampolsky points the waythrough fourteen lessons that can change your life.These lessons show: How to quiet the ego-self thatcreates fear and guilt. How to accept genuinelove and give it away. How to stop judging others,thereby to stop judging yourself. How to listen toyour inner voice to receive support and guidance.How to forgive others so that loneliness andseparation become illusions of the past. And muchmore. Here is a book for everyone who seeks the keyto life's most satisfying reward. A book thattells you how to throw off the burdens of the past,and learn what it can mean to truly love.