Enterprise Patterns and MDA

Bok av Jim Arlow
Praise for Enterprise Patterns and MDA Ive never seen a system of business patterns as detailed as this one. The completeness that Arlow and Neustadt provide in these patterns is impressive. The explanations for why the patterns are formed the way they are and how theyre interconnected are incredibly thorough. The patterns presented here have the potential to impact business applications in the same way the Gang of Four patterns have impacted general software development.          Steve Vinoski              Chief Engineer of Product Innovation               IONA Technologies Enterprise Patterns and MDA is a detailed, yet very readable, guide to designing business applications using reusable model components and Model Driven Architecture. It deserves a place on every application designers desk.          Andrew Watson              Vice President and Technical Director              Object Management Group, Inc. Design patterns are generally acknowledged as an effective approach to developing robust and highly reusable software. Now that Model Driven Architecture is raising software design to ever-higher levels of abstraction, it is only natural that pattern concepts should find application in advanced modeling techniques. With this book, Arlow and Neustadt have greatly advanced the state of the art of MDA by defining both a theory and a methodology for applying the concept of Archetype Patterns to business software modeling.          John Poole              Distinguished Software Engineer              Hyperion Solutions Corporation The burgeoning field of Model Driven Architecture tools and worldwide support for the Unified Modeling Language are finally being met with high-quality books that explain standard modeling techniques in a way any developer can follow. This book meets an urgent need squarely and clearly, and explains with copious examples a powerful approach to building usable (and reusable!) assets and applications. Every enterprise developer needs this book.          Richard Mark Soley, Ph.D.             Chairman and CEO             Object Management Group This book is a practical guide to applying Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and pa...