The life of Isaac of Alexandria ; & The martyrdom of Saint Macrobius

Phbios mpiništi mpipatriachēs ethouab ouah piarchēepiskopos nte tiništi mpolis Rakoti abba Isaak
Bok av Mena av Nikiou
The Egypt of Mena, bishop of Nikiou, was a country under relatively tolerant Muslim administration, with a long history of conquest and reconquest, and a deep antipathy to the Byzantine Empire and Melkite ('imperial') ecclesiastics. Staunchly monophysite, deeply devoted to the patriarchs of Alexandria, and determinedly opposed to the Council of Chalcedon (451) and all that it represented, the Christians of Egypt continued their witness and their worship all but hidden from outside view. These two works by Mena introduce modern readers to the Church of Egypt in the eighth century: its internal and external relations, its customs, and its spirituality.