With Bowie At The Alamo

Bok av Frederick West
With Bowie At The Alamo is a coming-of-age account of young James Thomas, an innocent, nave and unlikely hero. He leaves his home in Kentucky under a cloud of suspicion, and with a heavy heart, determines to make his way to Texas and join Jim Bowie in his quest to free Texas from the repressive government of Mexico and its president, General Santa Anna. He gains passage on a flatboat and learns quick lessons in marksmanship and combating fierce Indians and when the captain is seriously injured, he learns what it takes to pilot a boat down the Ohio River. With his trusty horse, Tess, James joins the Texas Rangers and eventually meets up with Jim Bowie, Davie Crocket and the other brave men who give their lives at the battle of the Alamo. Charged to bring reinforcements to the besieged mission, he escapes certain death only to find himself in the middle of the battle for Goliad. West serves up this yarn with great realism and authenticity, giving us wonderful and memorable characters and true-to-life adventures that portray the settling of the American frontier of Texas.