International Case Studies in Mental Health

Bok av Senel Poyrazli
International Cases Studies in Mental Health is a timely T2 that examines mental health treatment around the globe. The book represents countries from around the world and features interviews with mental health practitioners from around the world. Each chapter will have a US expert and an international expert. The U.S. experts will be APA division 17 members from the international section and will interview and comment on a case that has been treated successfully. Rather than focusing on psychotic disorders, the interviewee will be asked to share a case that presented with a disorder that normal individuals might go through and majority of practicing professionals might face in practice. Some examples will be cases involving depression, general anxiety, and substance abuse and alcohol issues. This book is important as it attempts to unify treatment practices from around the world. Currently, there is much value in sharing best practices around the world and many students and psychologists are being faced with doing international work. There is currently an effort among division 17 to require international content coverage in the curriculum, and this book would certainly meet this need. As international catastrophes such as the earthquake in Haiti and China and the Tsunami in Indonesia leave a path of destruction, there is a great demand for relief in working with people who have suffered trauma, loss, depression and despair around the world.