Programming game AI by example

Bok av Mat Buckland.
Programming Game AI by Example provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to the bread and butter AI techniques used by the game development industry, leading the reader through the process of designing, programming, and implementing intelligent agents for action games using the C++ programming language. stands out from the pack by providing industrial-strength solutions to difficult problems, like steering and goal-oriented behavior. Mat guides the reader toward building a foundation robust enough for real games. This book is a must-have for anyone new to the field, and has tips for the seasoned professional as well. I wish I [had] read it eight years ago! Jeff Orkin AI architect, Monolith Productions No One Lives Forever 2 and F.E.A.R. a nice combination of a lot of really useful information, put together in a way that doesnt make my brain leak. Gareth Lewis Project leader, Lionhead Studios Black & White 2