Politics in developing countries : comparing experiences with democracy

Bok av Larry Diamond
This text presents case studies of experiences with democracy in Asia, Affrica, Latin America and the Middle East, along with the editor's synthesis of the factors that facilitate and obstruct the development of democracy around the world. This second edition includes a chapter on South Africa. The recent developments covered in the book include: the re-emergence of democratic politics in Chile; the impeachment of General Collor and the crisis of democracy in Brazil; the growing pressure for substantive democratisation in Mexico; the 1994 elections in Chile, Brazil, and Mexico; the leadership transition in Turkey following the death of President Ozal; the growing religious and ethnic strife in India; the overthrow and re-emergence of democracy in Thailand and the country's economic boom; the quest for democratic consolidation in South Korea under new President Kim Young Sam; the political and economic crisis in Nigeria; the difficulties facing the one-party dominant regime in Senegal following the 1993 elections; the 1994 elections and democratic transition in South Africa.