Methods of BosonicFermionic Path Integrals Representations

Bok av Luiz C.L. Botelho
This monograph is written on topics in the subject of Continuum Quantum Geometric Path Integrals applied to Yang-Mills Theory and variants (QCD, Chern-Simons Theory, Ising Models, etc.)- the called Random Geometry in Quantum Field Theory, which are hoped to be useful to graduate students of quantum physics and applied mathematics, with a focused weight towards to those interested in applying the concepts of continuum quantum geometry in other branches of modern physics, like superconductivity, nuclear physics, polymer theory, string theory, etc. The methodology used to in this monograph is the same exposed in previous work in random classical physics: "Methods of Bosonic Path Integrals Representations- Random Systems in Classical Physics - Nova Publishers, (2006) U.S.A.': Expositions and formulas should be chewed, swallowed and digested. This process of analysis should not be abandoned until it yields a comprehension of the overall pattern of the proposed ideas and math, so after this step, one is ready to make improvements, corrections or criticisms on the path integrals representations of this book.