Unidad y diversidad en el Arco Atlantico en epoca romana : Iii coloquio internacional de arqueologia en gijon, gijon, 28, 29 y 30 septiembre 2002

Bok av Carmen Fernandez Ochoa
This collection of papers from an international colloquium held in Gijon in 2002 discusses the question of unity and diversity among people living along the Atlantic littoral during the Roman period. The papers are divided into sections that look specifically at issues of territories, frontiers and military strategy, at production, circulation and consumption, with particular attention paid to ceramic evidence, and at the structure of settlements before and after the Romans arrived. Whilst some contributions examine a particular site or area such as the provinces of Galicia and Asturias, others look more widely to the Atlantic littoral as a whole and its interaction with the rest of the Empire. Papers in Spanish and English.