Applied Ethics at the Turn of the Millenium: Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social

Bok av Elspeth Attwooll och Annette Brockmoller
Inhalt: Burton M. Leiser: Preface Elspeth Attwooll / Annette Brockmöller: Preface Rafael Encinas de Munagorri: Les Problèmes de preuve posés par l'évolution des sciences et des technologies Richard A. L. Gambitta / Gary S. Kitchen: Genetic Engineering and the Law Mariachiara Tallacchini: The Patentability of Human Biological Materials Joan C. Callahan: Liberalism, Reproductive Technologies, and Feminist Skepticism Gerry Maher: Future Trends in Computer-Generated Pornography: Ethical Principle and Legal Regulation of "Bespoke" Pornography Fernando Galindo: La puesta en práctica de la regulación de Internet por la Filosofía del Derecho comunicativa Richard T. De George: Business Ethics and The International Legal Coordination Problem Takao Katsuragi: On Multi-Value Structure or Market Ethics François Ost / Mark van Hoecke: From contract to transmission Robert Isaak: Philosophical Bases of "Green Logic"