When Stereotype Meets Prejudice: Antiziganism in European Societies : antiziganism in European societies

Bok av D Popescu
Antiziganism is a widespread phenomenon in all European societies. Poor or rich, 'post-communist' or 'traditional', North or South, with 'lean' or 'thick' welfare systems -- all European societies demonstrate antisiganist prejudice. All across Europe Romanis are among the poorest, most destitute, and most excluded communities. Widespread prejudice and stereotypical representations of Romani individuals limit their chances for participation in democratic decision-making processes and their access to services. Unable to counteract majority stereotypes systematically, more often than not they remain on the fringes of society. This edited volume asks where these stereotypes and prejudices come from, why they are ubiquitous to all societies, and how pertinent their impact on antiziganist attitudes found in European societies really is.