Numerical Methods in Geomechanics

Bok av J B Martins
List of Participants xi Lecture Program xv CHAPTER I - FUNDAMENTALS 1 Field Equations E. R. Arantes e Oliveira 3 2 Basic Formulation of Static and Dynamic Behaviour of Soil and Other Porous Media O. C. ZienkieuJicz 39 3 Generalized Plasticity and Some Models for Geomechanics O. C. Zienkiewicz 57 4 Constitutive Equations for Soil Media Jean H. Proevost 79 5 Constitutive Modeling and Soil-Structure Interaction C. S. Desai 103 6 Rock Mass Behaviour and Its Mathematical Modelling K. KovaY'i 145 CHAPTER II - FINITE ELEMENTS TECHNIQUES 165 1 Numerical Analysis of Shallow Foundations I. M. Smith 167 2 Numerical Analysis of Deep Foundations 187 I. M. Smith CONTENTS 3 Finite Element Analysis of Coupled Deformation and Fluid Flow in Porous Media 203 Ranbir S. Sandhu 4 Finite Elements and Slope Stability 229 D. J. Naylor CHAPTER III - MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING METHODS 245 1 Plastic Analysis in Geomechanics by Mathematical Programming John MUnro 247 2 Optimization Methods for Parametric Identification of Geotechnical Systems G. Maier and G. Gioda 273 3 Embankments and Slopes by Mathematical Programming J. B. Martins 305 CHAPTER IV - BOUNDARY ELEMENT TECHNIQUES 335 1 Fundamentals of Boundary Elements C. A. Brebbia 337 2 Boundary Elements in Groundwater Flow Problems L. C. Wrobel and C. A. Brebbia 355 3 Boundary Element Formulation to Solve No-Tension Problems in Geomechanics W. S. Venturini and C. A. Brebbia 375 4 Elastoplastic Analysis Using Boundary Elements J. C. F. Telles and C. A.