Maastricht Treaty on European Union

Bok av Joerg Monar
The Maastricht Treaty on European Union brings about a number of improvements of the sort that will surely lead historians in the future to distinguish between the European Community 'before' and 'after' Maastricht. Yet, the Treaty also raises more questions than any previous reform of the Community system - questions concerning the interpretation and implementation of the Treaty, as well as its significance for future developments. In the contributions to this book a number of academic experts and practitioners from the Community and the Member States have sought to look beyond the controversial debate surrounding the ratification of the Treaty and evaluate the results of Maastricht in as objective a manner as possible. The contributions reflect a broad spectrum of different research approaches and opinions, but they all take into account the political constellation during the negotiations, the practical problems of implementing the Treaty and its potential for the future. The book contains contributions in English and in French. Le livre contient des contributions en français et en anglais.