Translating at the Court : Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred, King of Sicily

Bok av De Leemans Pieter De Leemans
The importance of Bartholomew's oeuvre and cultural life under the reign of Manfred.An important chapter in the rediscovery of Aristotle in the Middle Ages isthe oeuvre of Bartholomew of Messina (Bartholomaeus de Messana), atranslator at the court of Manfred, King of Sicily (1258-1266). However,the impact of both Bartholomew and Manfred on the cultural and intellectuallife of their time remains understudied, especially in comparisonto the attention received by the translator's contemporary, William ofMoerbeke, and by the King's father, Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. Thisvolume contributes to the exploration of this field of research in a twofoldway. It discusses the nature and importance of Bartholomew's oeuvre(and especially his translations of Aristotle). Moreover, by situating Bartholomew'sactivity in a broader context 'Translating at the Court' pays specialattention to cultural life under the reign of Manfred.