The Dark Unknown History. Ds 2014:8. : White Paper on Abuses and Rights Violations Against Roma in the 20th Century

Bok av Kulturdepartementet
Translation into English of Ds 2014:8. Work at the Government Offices of Sweden on drawing up a White Paper on the abuse and rights violations suffered by Roma began in spring 2011. Less than a year later the Delegation for Roma Issues had shown in the report "Roma Rights - a strategy for Roma in Sweden" (SOU 2010:55) that the human rights of Roma are being violated and that Roma are excluded from substantial parts of society. The vulnerability of Roma is most evident in schools and in the labour and housing markets. The Delegation also pointed out that the history of Roma in Sweden is largely unexplored and that there is limited knowledge of their situation. The purpose of the White Paper is to give recognition to victims and their relatives and to create understanding of the situation of the Roma minority today. This is done by highlighting the abuses the Roma have suffered in a historical context and showing how stereotypes and prejudices have developed and been passed down from generation to generation, and how this has formed the basis of government policy. The purpose of the Paper is also to highlight the role and responsibility various social institutions have had - at an overall level - for the abuses and rights violations.