Financial Markets

Bok av Jeff Madura
This landmark work illustrates the progress that has been made in financial markets and assesses innovations that provide solutions to dilemmas and increase efficiency. These articles break down the complex web of relationships between the financial intermediary, the managers of corporations, shareholders, creditors, analysts and regulators. If complete information was disseminated to all participants, and all participants were ethical and competent, there would be less need for research on financial markets. Given the numerous conflicts of interest, the research included in these volumes attacks existing problems in financial markets in search of a solution. The research also identifies problems that have gone unnoticed. Research on financial markets identifies more problems in financial markets than it solves. Nevertheless, the research findings can help one use financial markets to one's advantage, rather than be used by them. This new edition to the SAGE Library in Business and Management discloses relevant research about the environment and behaviour within each of several financial markets so that participants can make informed decisions. It also hints at some of the unresolved issues in financial markets that are likely to receive more attention in future financial research.