L'Acte inqualifiable, ou le meurtre au feminin / Unspeakable Acts: Murder by Women

Bok av Emeline Jouve
Qu'elle soit appelee meurtriere, assassine ou tueuse, la femme qui commet un homicide elude les categories usuelles : elle derange l'ordre social, bouleverse les rapports de forces symboliques et inquiete les dispositifs judiciaires. Cet ouvrage collectif bilingue (francais et anglais) interroge la maniere dont l'ecriture ou la reecriture du meurtre au feminin contribue a faconner et a problematiser la memoire collective de ces affaires criminelles qui font figure d'exception. Female murderers often elude firmly established categories as they disrupt the social and symbolic orders of patriarchal societies and call into question the well-oiled mechanisms of their legal systems. This collection of essays (in French and in English) examines the making of narratives that have staged actual or fictional female murderers, influencing the ways in which these women are collectively remembered - narratives that often lay bare the covert foundations of the indictment process.