Physical Foundations of the Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves Technique, Volume 2: Sources. Element Base. Radio Systems: Novel Scientific Trends

Bok av V. P. Shestopalov
The developments in physics, biology and astronomy, as well as radar and communication technology, remote sensing and spectroscopy have led to a sharp increase in the investigations of electromagnetic millimeter and submillimeter waves with the lengths 10--1 and 1--0.1 mm. These volumes reflect the results of extensive research in this field and attempt to destroy stereotypes established during the long years of large-scale modeling in the millimeter and submillimeter wavelength ranges and to develop new concepts. The first volume (Open Structures) deals with the results of theoretical and experimental studies of open electrodynamic structures (open waveguides, open resonators, diffractional gratings) allowing the determination of the characteristics of various devices used in millimeter and submillimeter technology. The second volume (Sources. Element Base. Radio Systems: Novel Scientific Trends) presents the problems of creating independent units and radiosystems of the millimeter and submillimeter wavelength ranges and the justification of their physical operating principles. This includes the mechanism of generating volume waves by electron flows moving close to a grating, excitation of fields in open resonators and waveguides with inclusion, and other phenomena.