Omnipotent Fantasies and the Vulnerable Self

Bok av Carolyn S Ellman
Fantasies of omnipotence grow out of feelings of helplessness. We are all born helpless, completely dependent on others for nurturance and survival, and we all must face the ultimate annihilation of the self at the end of life. While fantasies of omnipotence help us to cope with these painful acts, they may also interfere with our ability to engage reality and deal with life. This important new book addresses all aspects of omnipotence, from the merger fantasies of the baby who feels like an extension of the powerful parent, to the rigid defence omnipotent fantasies of the frightened borderline patient, to the soothing spiritual and religious feelings that help many accept loss and mortality. Contributions by noted authors like Otto Kernberg, Jack and Kerry Kelly Novick, Henry Krystal, Paul Ornstein and Steven Ellman should make this a valuable resource to all clinicians and other students of human behaviour.