Thank You, Oh Lord

Bok av Augustina Abraham
Prophetess Augustina is an anointed gifted woman of God, she was a lay preacher on trial for some time, the powerful sermons preached through her include; 'Celebrating The Lord Jesus The Choice Of Our Life', 'Celebrating The Work Of The Holy Spirit', 'Celebrating Life In Jesus Our Lord,' ' Celebrating Jesus The Mighty Fire', 'Celebrating Jesus The United Kingdom,' 'Celebrating Our Lord God's Forgiveness In Jesus Our Saviour and Redeemer,' 'Celebrating Our Faith Healing In Jesus Our Lord', and 'Celebrating The Mercy Of God In Jesus Our Lord.' She is now called to minister through writing. Look up more of Prophetess Augustina's inspirational Books. This book is five book series. Part one is based on Psalm 1-41. Prophetess Augustina as the Psalmist's writes have experience the Joy of Praising God for His Justices, Love, Compassion, Peace, Joy Long suffering etc.She enjoys celebrating God and all that is in the Lord. She has also experienced wickedness from the enemy, wicked men and false friends alike and she is praising The Lord for answered prayers and deliverance from the enemy as the Psalmist did. Again, as every Christian has had she have experience the forgiveness of sin, from the Lord and she is praising God and given thanks for God's mercy, rescuing her and given her hope. Though part of the book she thank God for repaying her enemies yet she gives thanks to God's forgiveness for all who have wronged her and for them to repent as the Lord thought us to do 'forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that other have done to us.(Mathew 6:12) GNB. To Prophetess Augustina the Lord is her Shepherd and provider and she is giving thanks to God for providing for all her needs. Prophetess Augustina believes and hope that after reading this book you will be able to Worship God in the same adoration that the Psalmist did worship God and will experience the True happiness from above and you will be able to see more of God's blessing in your life. God Blessings is free but we have to accept it May the Lord God Bless and Keep you as you read this book, and may His Presence guide you and Help you to worship Him in Spirit and in truth in Jesus Name Amen