Love Enough to Care : Becoming God's Healing Balm for a Hurting World

Bok av Helen Thompson
The title I chose for this book best describes its contents: Love your Lord enough to invite Him to renew your heart and direct your life, that you may minister His love to the lost and hurting world around you. Love others enough to care not only about, but for them. Love yourself enough to care that God created you in His very image. You're precious to Him and priceless in worth! You were uniquely and specially designed by God to reflect His love as a beacon of light, a ray of hope and a healing balm to a confused and hurting world in dire need of a Savior. It's my hope that you'll make it your life's mission to share God's compassionate love without ceasing, everywhere in life He sends you and in all that He gives you to do there. Will God work through your love and mine to make a beautiful difference in the world around us? He certainly will, my friend, and it's His greatest desire to do so. The wisest choice you can make is to glorify God with the gift of life He's given you, for this is its purpose. May He bless you richly in all of His ways throughout all of your days.