The Light of the Reaper

Bok av The Reaper
This book of mostly poetic rhythm and psalms presents an art of pictured words painted with visions of our world's reality, yet it's drizzling with the dews of so-called fantasy and wonder! Its design is not to persuade the thoughts of darkness! It's to enlighten the lost and weary, those who have perhaps stepped out into a spiritual yet illusional dimension. It's a beacon of light in the pit of hell's blackness. Keep your minds continually open. Only those who have traveled this darkened path possess this particular light. Is the light calling you? Open up your ears and listen as the spirit electrifies your soul! God once said, "I am the light and the life of the world." Light cannot be hidden in darkness. Is the light calling you now? Open up your ears and listen. Open up the book and read.