Lost and Found: A Consumer's Guide to Healthcare

Bok av Peter B Anderson Md
Regardless of your politics, personal opinions, or individual experience, it's difficult to deny that the American healthcare system is broken and in desperate need of repair. These and related questions about healthcare are being asked all across the country: ? Why can't my doctor be more accessible and accommodating when I need an appointment?? What is the "right" medical care and how would I know it when I experience it?? How can I get personalized and reliable information to help make decisions about my family's health?? Why is healthcare so expensive and can I ever expect it to be more affordable?? How do I choose the right insurance plan for my family?? What programs or assistance are available when I just don't have the money to see a doctor or pay for medications?? What does the future of healthcare look like and will it be better than the present? If you're wondering about the same and similar kinds of issues, Lost and Found will be a resource you'll want to keep close at hand and turn to again and again.