How to be Debt Free : A proven strategy to take control of your financial freedom by getting rid of debt, loans, student loans repayment, credit card debt, mortgages and more Volume 1

Bok av Phil Wall
Today, many people live what is known as "the uncertainty of money"; the poor class and the middle class lived under certain rules of money, and while it is regrettable to say it, it is happening today. After the uncertainty of what may happen, people are acting and living financially according to the old "study an important career, work hard to earn a good salary, save money and spend it." Not to mention that this system does not currently work; the quiet behind the facts has led the new generations to save money, people sit on a sack of money while they think they are saving it for their benefit or hoping that the situation they are living now will be stabilize, and on the other hand there are those who are "saving to spend later" without understanding that savings lose value, especially when inflation reaches and grows faster than interest paid on savings accounts. If you are those who don?t what to do with money, keep reading This book includes: 8.    How money calls money 9.    Myths and truths behind money making 10.  How to get out of debt and start creating cashflow 11.  Rocky power 12.  And much more Keep waiting on taking this decision and you will regret it. Click on the buy now button and start changing your mindset