Sector Field Mass Spectrometry for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis

Bok av Thomas Prohaska
This book was triggered by the success story of sector field mass spectrometry in elemental and isotopic analysis since the first presentation of the mass spectrum of Ne a hundred years ago. The outstanding and unique features of sector field mass spectrometry - high sensitivity, high mass resolution and simultaneous multiple ion detection - have paved the way for its widespread and successful application across different scientific disciplines. Written, compiled and edited by world renowned experts, this book is intended to provide deep insight into the topic along with fundamental knowledge about elemental and isotopic analysis. Aimed at scientists in the field of natural and life sciences, instrument manufacturers, practitioners and graduate students, it provides solid information about the methodological background and analytical capabilities of sector field mass spectrometry. A detailed description of peculiarities and an overview of the most relevant applications making use of specific techniques employing sector field mass analysers (ICP-MS, GDMS, TIMS, SIMS and IRMS) are given, including a presentation of the currently available commercial instruments. This approach guarantees that readers are thoroughly introduced to and familiarized with the fascinating inter- and transdisciplinary field of sector field mass spectrometry.