My Mother Goose Collection: Playtime Rhymes

Bok av Armadillo Books (COR)
Nursery rhymes are great for playtime - grown-ups and youngsters can read, sing and act out the words together. Here are lively rhymes that have been enjoyed for generations, including This Little Pig, The Wheels on the Bus, Ring-a-Ring o' Roses, Girls and Boys Come Out to Play, Hickory Dickory Dock, and Rain, Rain, Go Away! Meet Teddy Bear Jane, the wise old owl, the man in the moon, Mrs Hen, Wee Willie Winkie, and many others. The small, chunky format is ideal for tiny hands to hold. And while they are having fun, children are learning and expanding their vocabulary and imagination! This little pig went to market, And this little pig stayed at home. This little pig ate roast beef, And this little pig had none. And this little pig went wee-eee-eee, all the way home! The wheels on the bus go round and round, Round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, All day long.