A cry for justice : how the evil of domestic abuse hides in your church! / Jeff Crippen and Anna Wood

Bok av Jeff Crippen
In many Christian circles this may be a taboo subject spoken of in hushed tones or behind closed doors. But it is a very real problem that must be brought into the light of Scripture. Abuse in the church takes different forms; but it is alive and active even in "nice" families in our churches. Typically, the abuser is male, usually a husband and his character is that of a manipulating deceiver. Countless women and children even many faithful pastors have been abused by these deceivers. Have you, or someone you know, been a victim? Has an abuser: Threatened physical violence if he does not get his way? Intimidated with abusive language? Deny affection? Deny you medical attention? Manipulate friends and acquaintances in order to gain allies? Pastor Jeff Crippen uses his over thirty years of pastoral experience to rip the lid off this most insidious behavior that is often "hidden in plain sight".