I Am the Aleph-Tav : Unveiling Jesus in the Old Testament

Bok av Samuel Koiki
" Did you know that Jesus appears ten times (1000%) more in the Old Testament than he does in the New Testament. In fact Jesus the Aleph-Tav appears 9612 times (uninterpreted) in the Old Testament but only 983 times in the New Testament. The Aleph-Tav is comprised of the first and last characters of the Hebrew language, just as the alpha and the omega are the first and last characters of the Greek language. The Aleph-Tav is also the Hebrew character symbol believed to be the signature of Christ found only in the Hebrew Bible, represented by the head of a bull and the sign of a cross. Both character symbols clearly point us to Christ, the Lamb of God who died for humanity on the cross of Calvary. I AM the Aleph-Tav unveils the presence of Jesus in the Old Testament, first by taking a deep dive into the mystery of the Aleph-Tav. Although this symbol appears almost ten thousand times in the Old Testament, it was never interpreted into any other language, and author Samuel Koiki shows how there are parallels between the Old Testament and the statements Jesus made to John in the book of Revelation, where Jesus proclaimed that he was the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end?or, in a different way, the Aleph-Tav. Was Jesus telling John that he was there all along when the universe was created in Genesis? Perhaps he was telling John that he indeed is the creator, and that it was he who brought forth the miracles in the Old Testament scriptures. Unraveling the mystery of the Aleph-Tav will answer these questions and lead believers to the truth, abundant living, and freedom from sin, oppression, and the lies of the devil. "