Yearbook Commercial Arbitration 1997 - Volume XXII

Bok av Albert Jan Van Den Berg
This volume of the Yearbook reproduces in Part III A, which is devoted to arbitration rules of international and national institutions, new or amended international arbitration and conciliation rules from the American Arbitration Association, the Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Center for the Americas (CAMCA), the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce and the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The trend of offering expedited arbitration services is represented in the rules for expedited arbitration of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and the Japan Shipping Exchange. UNCITRAL's latest contribution, "Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings", is also reproduced. Part IV on recent developments in arbitration law and practice focuses on the new arbitration acts in Brazil, Guatemala, Malta, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe, all of which have been inspired by the UNCITRAL Model Law. A selection of Arbitral Awards from a variety of arbitral institutions has been compiled for this volume. Awards emanating from arbitral institutions located in Paris, Hamburg, Milan, Rome, Stockholm and Zurich, as well as awards made under the auspices of the ICC and ICSID, are included. For the first time, the Yearbook also includes two challenge decisions made under the UNCITRAL Rules by Appointing Authorities. The collection of Arbitral Awards is completed by the survey of awards made by the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, along with a selection from these awards. Various categories of Court Decisions are reported in the Yearbook. Part II - B reports on leading cases which have a major impact on both national and international practice. Part II - C focuses on Court Decisions applying the UNCITRAL Model Law as reported in Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT). In addition, a cumulative Index of Articles of CLOUT decisions reported in Yearbook Volumes XIX through XXII is provided. Part V contains Court Decisions applying the major multilateral arbitration conventions. In this volume, more decisions applying and interpreting the 1958 New York Convention than ever before: 69 decisions from 19 countries are reported. A "first" for the Yearbook is the new Part IV - D reporting two decisions on the 1975 Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration. The Yearbook concludes with a Bibliography containing announcements of recent publications and current periodicals in the field of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. The "Yearbook Commercial Arbitration" is an ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration) publication with the assistance of the International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague.