Global Perspectives on Subsidiarity

Bok av Michelle. Evans
Global Perspectives on Subsidiarity is the first book of its kind exclusively devoted to the principle of subsidiarity. It sheds new light on the principle and explores and develops the many applications of the principle of subsidiarity. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the principle in all its facets, from its philosophical origins in the writings of Aristotle and Aquinas, to its development in Catholic social doctrine, and its emergence as a key principle in European Union Law. This book explores the relationship between subsidiarity and concepts such as sphere sovereignty and social pluralism. It analyses subsidiarity in light of globalisation, federalism, democracy, individual rights and welfare, and discusses subsidiarity and the Australian, Brazilian and German Constitutions.
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Global Perspectives on SubsidiarityEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9789402400052
Global Perspectives on SubsidiarityEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9789401788090
Global Perspectives on SubsidiarityEngelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9789401788106
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