Reckless Angel

Bok av Jane Feather
She turned his life into chaos even as she melted his heartThe injured boy Sir Daniel Drummondrescues from a British battlefield is no boy at all,but a vivacious young enchantress fleeing hertyrannical father. Moved by her plight, herspirit, and her mesmerizing beautyand his own young daughters need for a motherthe dashing nobleman impulsively offers towed Henrietta Harry Ashby, who promptlythrows his life and household into disarray.Headstrong, impetuous, wildly unconventional, Harry knows precious little about wifelyduties. But the irrepressible miss understandsthe importance of unwavering loyaltywhen danger threatens. And she knows daringways to set a mans passions aflameand the sensuous secret to transforming amarriage of convenience into a union ofeverlasting ecstasy and love.