Destroying Spiritual Strongholds

Bok av James Tarter
God's powerful promises to us who abide in Christ have been mostly unfulfilled because of strongholds in our hearts. In this book we see that God gave stability to the spiritual heart by making it naturally fearful of being changed. It often protects itself against perceived dangers without the mind being aware - including God's work in the heart until it really learns that it can trust Him. It deceives oneself, which has let the devil manipulate us out of most of our boundless power of staying in Christ. Here we see how experiences and demons can create highly protected strongholds that work against people receiving God's great love and power in Jesus. We also see how to destroy a stronghold in oneself and in others who want to be free. Destroying it includes a good preparation and good follow-up to Jesus' work of deliverance: all help the freedom to last. Therefore this book shows the nature of spiritual warfare, which comes with moving into God's mighty provisions for us in Christ.