"Commercial Aviation Safety, Sixth Edition"

Bok av Stephen K. Cusick
A definitive guide to aviation safetyfully updated to cover the latest regulations and practices Presenting the latest procedures and standards from U.S. and international air traffic and regulatory agencies, this thoroughly revised resource covers the entire commercial aviation safety systemfrom human factors to accident investigation. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards are explained in easy-to-understand language. Re-organized and expanded to reflect current approaches, Commercial Aviation Safety, Sixth Edition, delivers authoritative information on today's security concerns on the ground and in the air. You will learn about changes in systems and regulations, new maintenance and flight technologies, and recent accident statistics. New chapters discuss emerging technologies and human factors in aviation safety, including Crew Resource Management (CRM), situation awareness, and cutting-edge methods to reduce human errors in a highly-automated environment. Features examples drawn from real-life accidents and incidents Includes new chapters on emerging technologies and flight crew leadership Written by a team of aviation experts and dedicated educators