Cleaning the Deceiving Heart

Bok av James Tarter
This book shows the boundless power available to us who abide in Christ Jesus. We also see how we believers have rarely lived in this power. Life experiences can get into our hearts and come out unconsciously in other situations where they do not belong. A Biblical picture of the spiritual heart reveals our problem. The heart naturally and unconsciously protects itself against anything it perceives to be a danger. This specifically includes the heart's owner -deceiving oneself - and includes God's work in the heart until it really learns that He can be trusted. Realizing the nature of specific problems in the heart helps us to appreciate Biblical solutions that free believers to experience God's great love and power in Christ. Destroying Spiritual Strongholds (available at Lulu and normally where you have found this book) is like this book, except for adding the complications of recognizing and destroying key demonic schemes against us.