The Ungrateful Child : The Child Within - The Memory Remains

Bok av Johnson Major
This is a 98 percent true story as only the names have been changed to keep people involved safe from discrimination, for it is the story that counts, as I do believe names are not important with my journey through life, having the experience and the courage to share and educate, with a different perspective, from another's point of view. Many events have been left out as every day was a struggle with abuse. Families are what generally make a person who they are as that's where we all come from. Sometimes for a short period of time, or the full length, either way we all have our own story within, for one day to speak for. My book's nature consists of family and child abuse, with a journey living through the toughest of times, dealing with the deadliest of setbacks, continuing its toll toward the future, with the scars left behind, contributing further disorientation to a well-intended nature, being the number one destroyer to foundations. The cries could not be heard by one innocent child, who only ever wanted to live happy and be loved the way he did his family, though it wasn't a happy love, but he kept a smile on his face, always finding happiness through all the sadness placed upon him in order to make it through the day. I live my life simple and wish the best for everyone as life is worth living if you're afraid to leave, so I make the most of it. I never will give up again as I almost had, and living life has so much to offer, knowing I have so much to give. Love will set us free through understanding and following happiness, learning late to evade the past and the setbacks, as now I have a family of my own. God bless my wife and child, who are the reason I shine with passion and successful mission as being here is being a winner, though we are not finished yet as I'm on a mission to live the longest of time possible. For now, love to live, learn, and continue my journey toward the unseen future of potential. I believe we need to keep strong, look ahead, not back.